Thanks so much for stopping by! I love having this blog to connect with you!
I am photographer living in the Augusta, GA area.
I specialize in Portraits, Family, Children, Senior, Couples Maternity, Modeling, Boudoir, Engagement and Weddings.
Here you will find recent photo sessions, specials, events, and ramblings about my life and my work.
I hope you stop and stay a while. Feel free to comment too...
I would love to hear from you!

Monday, July 12, 2010

I'm Married

So, today I got married! Nothing big or fancy just us in jeans, boots, and white shirts at the court house. But it was a fabulous wedding. No stress or worries, just us and our love! It was spur of the moment but Im so glad we did it! He is a amazing man and I love him with everything I am. We went to eat at Olive Garden afterwards and then walked on the beach, that was my short but sweet honeymoon. For those of you who wanted to be there, we will probably have a big ceremony later but as far as Im concerned todays ceremony was perfect!

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