Thanks so much for stopping by! I love having this blog to connect with you!
I am photographer living in the Augusta, GA area.
I specialize in Portraits, Family, Children, Senior, Couples Maternity, Modeling, Boudoir, Engagement and Weddings.
Here you will find recent photo sessions, specials, events, and ramblings about my life and my work.
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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

My Babies

So today I was bored and looked around at how terribly adorable my babies were just sitting around being lazy. So I decided to take the opportunity to capture them on camera. First is Mia, Thats my husbands cat, She has a personality of her own, she is independent and only wants you to feed her, other than that leave her the heck alone, Next up is Milo aka Lil Man, Thats my baby he is a rescue chihuahua, He is very timid until he knows you, eats everything in sight, and likes to cuddle. Last but not least is Moggy my husbands pride and joy, He is 9 years old but still a big kitten, he loves to rough house and run around and play.

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